Be Part of ChurpChurp Today!
This post is to officially declare that I am now a Churper!!
I just joined the hottest social media solution community today and I can't wait to share with you all about Churp Churp~
For those who think themselves as influencer* but do not own a blog (because you lazy to have one), Churp Churp is the best for you to earn extra income with your power (influence)!
* Definition of INFLUENCER from my point of view:
- You love sharing good stuff to people around you, and they always love the stuff you shared!
What is the requirement to become a Churper?
- You have to be active not only in real life friend circles, because you don't like to limit yourself.
- You love making friends online (and become real friends later on), especially through social network (eg. Facebook, Twitter, etc..).
- You have a Facebook account or Fans Page, or a Twitter account.
- You are from Malaysia or Singapore.
What is a Churper's responsibility?
- SIMPLE! Just share out the great deals/information which Churp Churp assigned to you!
What do I get if I am a Churper?
- Earn extra pocket money!!
- Meet new friends from the Churp Churp Community.
- Free movies tickets (premier screenings!!).
- Fun activities/outings with Churpers.
- etc..
How to become a Churper?
- Logon to and sign up as a Churper!!
So much benefits, so easy to join!
and don't you think that the blue birdie with innocent big eyes is so adorable and irresistible?
Let's join me to be part of Churp Churp today!!
As a new Churper, I am so excited to join the future activities of Churp Churp Community.
I missed out the previous "Fly Kite Day"!!!
I hope there will be more cool and fun activities coming soon..
Maybe Churp Churp can consider to organize a Hiking Trip? or a simple Food-hunting Trip?
There is so much possibilities and I can't wait to meet up with more new friends!
I'm a chuper too XD