Etude House - Peach Water Gloss
之前说过,每次经过Etude House都很想买东西的吧?
不知不觉中,我的柜子里塞满了很多Etude House的产品呢!
而其中我最爱的,就是他们家的Peach Water系列的Lip Gloss!
共有五种颜色,最适合我的是1号的Watermelon Water。
就算完全不化妆,我也会涂上我爱的Etude House Lip Gloss才出门哦!
除了让嘴唇带点色彩和光泽,这系列的lip gloss还有滋润嘴唇的效果呢!

Kitty Pose~=p
No time to makeup before going out? A lip gloss will help!
Heart my Etude House's Watermelon Water Gloss!
The second photo is to take part in Plus Size Kitten's Win A Chanel Lip Gloss competition!
Terms & Condition:
- contest starts 20/11/09 and ends 1/12/09
- only followers of plusizekitten can enter the contest, if you're not a follower please join by clicking the follow button on the right hand side of my blog somewhere below the links.
- only complete entries are valid
- only 1 photo per entry
- bloggers can post up in their blogs while non-bloggers can email me a pic
- your pictures will be put up on my post for judging
- u can wear a mask/hide your identity while posing with your lipglaze (for those who's shy)
- judging is base on voting
回复删除now Etude House got sales??!!
tell me fast fast..I want go there buy things d...hand very itchy!!
回复删除The Etude House Sale past already lerr...I bought it like last month I think~
aaaa~~ Tin Yi Nong Yan...
回复删除I tot now got sales..i was so happy and planned to buy some things at there..wuu
回复删除No worry~There'are damn a lot sales these days what~
Parkson, Isetan, Tangs,... all got Christmas Sales..
I no money to buy only..>.<